
2024 EU, UK, and French Elections: Thoughts and Conclusions

The political landscape in Europe witnessed significant transformations in 2024, marked by the EU Parliamentary elections, the UK general election, and the French snap elections. As the European political arena heats up, the stakes mirror the thrill of a high-stakes sports betting event.

These pivotal elections didn’t just reshape Europe but also reflected unexpected twists in betting odds. So, from the European People’s Party maintaining its lead in the EU parliamentary elections to Macron barely holding on to the presidency, let’s analyze these events and their outcomes to help you make informed guesses when it comes to political betting.

Brief Overview of the Elections

The 2024 elections brought notable shifts in the political landscape across Europe, signaling significant changes in governance and policy directions. From far-right parties gaining substantial ground in the European Union to the Labour Party securing a decisive win in the UK, here is a quick overview of the political situation in Europe in 2024.

2024 European Union Elections

The 2024 EU elections saw significant shifts in political power across the EU's 27 member states. The European People's Party (EPP) remained the largest group, gaining additional seats to strengthen its position. Italy's Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and her right-wing coalition played a crucial role, securing approximately 28% of the vote and positioning Meloni as a significant power broker in Brussels.

The elections also marked a rise in support for far-right parties, particularly in France, where the National Rally achieved a significant victory, causing President Emmanuel Macron's party to face a substantial defeat. This poor performance led Macron to dissolve the French parliament and call for snap elections.

2024 French Parliamentary Elections

Following the poor performance in the EU elections, President Emmanuel Macron's call for snap elections resulted in a fragmented parliament. The left-wing New Popular Front alliance emerged as the largest group. On the other hand, Marine Le Pen's National Rally, the largest opposition party, came in third place. This outcome has highlighted the political volatility and shifting dynamics towards the left and right, creating a challenging environment for Macron as he navigates the demands of a divided electorate.

2024 UK Main Elections

The 2024 UK general election, held in July, resulted in a historic win for the Labour Party, led by Keir Starmer, which secured 404 seats in the House of Commons. In contrast to the previous Rishi Sunak-led Conservative government, which only managed to win 121 seats, this victory represented a significant shift.

The Liberal Democrats also made significant gains, obtaining 72 seats. On the other hand, the Scottish National Party (SNP) fared poorly, retaining only 9 seats. This reflects growing complexities in Scottish politics amidst ongoing discussions about their independence from the United Kingdom. If you plan to bet on UK politics, keep an eye on Scexit, as it might influence the outcome.

2024 French Elections Conclusions

The 2024 snap elections in France resulted in both right-wing and left-wing factions gaining momentum, underscoring the rise of extremist populism in the country. Meanwhile, President Emmanuel Macron's party faced a substantial decline.

Prior to the elections, bookies gave Le Pen favorable odds, predicting a strong performance. Macron's party was expected to face challenges but still retain a significant presence in the parliament. The left-wing alliance was seen as a potential unifier for left-leaning voters, though bookies were skeptical about their ability to secure a dominant position.

Contrary to expectations, the left-wing alliance, the New Popular Front (NFP), secured the highest number of seats after the second round of elections. This surprising result teaches us the power of an effective campaign strategy. The NFP’s campaign was strong enough to consolidate left-leaning voters by emphasizing economic equality, social justice, and climate change. 

Thanks to their effective campaign, the NFP managed to increase voter turnout not only among leftists but also among progressive young people, who are typically less likely to take notice of political events. Remarkably, the country saw a 66.63% turnout rate in the second round, which is the highest since 1997.

The National Rally (RN) under Marine Le Pen, although initially performing strongly, ended up being the third largest party after the second round. Their disappointing performance was largely attributed to a series of critical errors and strategic missteps. Candidate selection issues, including the choice of individuals with controversial backgrounds and unprofessional conduct, significantly undermined the party's credibility.

Once dominant, Macron's La République En Marche (LREM) was unable to maintain its stronghold in the parliament, primarily due to dissatisfaction with his handling of economic reform and social policies. This dissatisfaction is seen as the main reason why more people tend to support left and right wings, pulling away from the center. Therefore, Macron's ability to govern effectively is now in question.

Still, no single political party or alliance won a clear majority, resulting in a hung parliament. Given the fragmented situation, there is a likelihood of another snap election if the political deadlock continues. If you wish to bet on French politics, the opportunity might soon present itself.

The Best Bets for the 2024 French Parliamentary Elections

Based on pre-election odds, the best picks were those who bet on:

NFP’s securing most seats: The alliance’s becoming the largest group was a significant upset, and those who bet on this outcome saw substantial returns. Odds for them to win a parliamentary majority were longer, implying a lower probability, according to bookmakers.

RN’s underperformance: Bookmakers initially offered short odds for RN to secure the most seats, reflecting their favored status. However, bets against RN's dominance after the first round, capitalizing on the longer odds for other outcomes, saw successful returns as the party failed to meet expectations.

LREM’s decline: Bets against LREM's continued dominance brought favorable returns. On the contrary, pre-election odds suggested that Macron's party would retain its strong presence in parliament, with short odds indicating a high probability.

Turnout rate above 65%: Pre-election odds for such a high turnout were not widely favored, with bookmakers offering longer odds. So, bets on a record turnout paid off well, as this rate was the highest since 1997.

All in all, bookmakers and analysts underestimated the extent of the public's discontent with traditional parties, making the NFP’s victory a standout betting opportunity. Those who identified the underlying political dissatisfaction and wagered accordingly saw substantial returns. If you want to capitalize on the next elections, we recommend watching for the latest French election odds at BallotBoxBet.

Current French Political Landscape and Predictions for the Future

The aftermath of the 2024 French snap elections has left the country’s political ecosystem in pieces. The New Popular Front emerged as the largest group, but without an outright majority. Therefore, the immediate focus will be on forming a coalition government. For that to happen, the NFP needs to negotiate with other parties to form a stable government.

Despite his party’s decline, Emmanuel Macron remains a significant political figure. He will likely engage in intense negotiations to form alliances or secure enough support to maintain some level of influence in the new government. The right-wing alliance will also play a crucial role as they consolidate their gains and position themselves as a formidable opposition.

Coalition Potential and Challenges

The formation of a stable government in France will be a major challenge for the New Popular Front. The alliance includes multiple left-wing groups with differing agendas, making it difficult to achieve consensus. Additionally, internal leadership issues, such as uncertainties around Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s role, could further complicate negotiations.

Meanwhile, Macron’s centrist party may pivot towards left groups to maintain influence. Given its weakened position, Macron’s team is likely to seek alliances with moderate left factions to counterbalance La France Insoumise’s dominance and Mélenchon’s demands.

Potential for Another Snap Election

The possibility of another snap election looms large due to the challenges in forming a stable government. If coalition talks fail or the new government proves unstable, Macron may call for another snap election to break the deadlock. This scenario is quite likely if another election becomes necessary to achieve a clearer mandate.

Long-term Political Implications

The 2024 elections have significant long-term implications for French politics. Discussions about leadership changes within key parties are ongoing. Marine Le Pen may face pressure to step aside for a more moderate figure like Jordan Bardella, while Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s future as the left-wing leader remains uncertain.

The new government must focus on drafting reformative policies. Addressing pressing issues such as economic recovery, social justice, and immigration policies will significantly impact voter sentiments and the overall political landscape in the coming years.

2024 UK Elections Conclusions

The Labour Party, under Keir Starmer, won the 2024 general election with a resounding victory. Labour secured 404 seats, marking a decisive shift from the Conservative Party, which won only 121 seats. The Liberal Democrats, meanwhile, gained ground, winning 72 seats, while the Scottish National Party (SNP) saw a decline, retaining only 9 seats.

The Conservative Party's significant loss can be attributed to several factors. The primary factor is voter fatigue. After over a decade in power, there was a growing sentiment among voters for change. The Conservative government faced criticism over handling economic issues, healthcare, and immigration, which eroded public trust.

Meanwhile, Keir Starmer's Labour Party ran a focused campaign emphasizing economic reform, social justice, and rebuilding public services, which resonated with a broader electorate. Many voters who traditionally supported smaller parties or were undecided also rallied behind Labour as the best chance to unseat the Conservatives.

This shift in the UK’s political question raises an important question: Can the Conservatives come back? While the Conservative Party was significantly weakened, political recoveries are always possible. They need to reassess their policies, leadership, and strategies to regain public trust. Historically, political landscapes can shift rapidly, so a comeback is feasible but requires substantial effort and adaptation.

The Best Bets for the 2024 UK Main Elections

Based on pre-election odds, the best picks were those who bet on:

Labour's winning outright majority: Their victory was actually seen as probable; however, nobody expected such a decisive one. Hence, bets on Labour securing the outright majority paid off well enough.

Labour to secure over 400 seats: More specific odds for Labour to secure a vast majority, such as over 400 seats, were less common but were longer, reflecting the perceived difficulty. Nevertheless, those bets were highly rewarding.

Conservatives gaining under 200 seats: Betting against the Conservatives retaining a strong position was highly profitable, reflecting the scale of their losses. With the party ending up with only 121 seats, those who anticipated this downturn benefited greatly.

Liberal Democrats' increased seats: Betting on the Lib Dems to see a significant increase was another successful wager. Given that the party previously held 11 seats, pre-election odds for them to significantly boost their count, like reaching around 70 seats or more, were seen as ambitious.

The outcome of the 2024 UK main elections demonstrates the importance of analyzing broader political trends and voter sentiments. The latest news and public reactions can offer valuable insights and profitable opportunities in political betting. If you want to capitalize on the next elections, watch for the latest UK election odds at BallotBoxBet.

Current UK Political Landscape and Predictions for the Future

The decisive victory of the Labour Party in the 2024 general election marks the beginning of a significant transition in UK politics. Keir Starmer, now at the helm, will move swiftly to consolidate his position and begin implementing his party's agenda.

The Labour government will focus on forming a robust cabinet, appointing key ministers, and setting legislative priorities to address pressing issues such as economic recovery, healthcare reform, and social justice.

The Conservative Party, reeling from their substantial losses, will undergo introspection and potential reorganization. The party will likely discuss leadership changes and strategic shifts to regain voter trust and relevance.

Expectations for Labour's Governance

The Labour Party under Starmer’s leadership is expected to work differently than the previous Conservative administration. Their focus will likely be on progressive policies, with an emphasis on economic reforms, enhancing public services, and addressing social inequalities. Starmer's government will also aim to fulfill campaign promises to maintain voter support and solidify its position for years to come.

A key example of Labour's economic approach is their proposed National Wealth Fund, designed to attract investment in infrastructure and clean energy projects. This contrasts sharply with the Conservatives’ more cautious economic policies, which emphasized fiscal restraint and limited government intervention.

By adopting a more proactive role in the economy, Labour aims to boost growth and address long-standing issues like income inequality and underinvestment in public services. However, this approach carries risks, particularly in terms of managing public debt and inflation.

The success of these economic policies could significantly influence voter support in future elections, either solidifying Labour's mandate or leading to a backlash if the outcomes fall short of expectations.

Possibility of Snap Elections

While the political ecosystem has shifted dramatically, the prospect of another snap election rests on several factors. Given Labour's significant majority, the likelihood of a snap election is low in the near future. However, political stability is never guaranteed. Unforeseen events or significant policy failures could alter the timeline.

If Labour can maintain voter support through effective governance, the need for snap elections will reduce considerably. Conversely, persistent challenges or public dissatisfaction could prompt calls for an early election. Still, this is just mere speculation at the moment.

Future Election Dynamics for the Conservatives

The Conservative Party will look to rebuild its reputation. Key questions will revolve around their leadership, policy direction, and ability to reconnect with a broader electorate. Historically, major parties have rebounded from significant losses, and the Conservatives will look to past strategies to guide their resurgence.

No doubt, the biggest challenge for them is the leadership issue. Rishi Sunak has announced his resignation, triggering a leadership contest. Potential candidates include James Cleverly, Priti Patel, Robert Jenrick, Kemi Badenoch, Mel Stride, and Tom Tugendhat.

The new leader's approach will significantly impact future elections. A leader who can effectively address party reforms and reconnect with the electorate could potentially rejuvenate the party’s standing in the next general elections.

2024 EU Elections Conclusions

The 2024 EU elections led to a significant reconfiguration of the European Parliament. The center-right European People's Party (EPP) retained its position as the largest group but its influence was slightly diminished. The Socialists and Democrats (S&D) made modest gains to maintain their status as the second-largest political party in the European parliament.

The rise of far-right and Eurosceptic parties was the most notable change. Parties like Marine Le Pen's National Rally and Matteo Salvini's League gained more seats, reflecting growing nationalist sentiments across several member states. On the other hand, both the Greens and liberal Renew Europe groups experienced a decline in their representation.

New Powers and Dynamics

The increased presence of far-right parties in the European Parliament means that there will be more contentious debates on issues like immigration, EU integration, and climate policies. However, the need for broad coalitions and alliances to pass legislation will likely moderate extreme positions and foster a more complex and dynamic political environment.

Rise of the Far Right and Its Impact

The far right's rise has indeed strengthened, with significant gains in France, Italy, and other member states. This shift has prompted a counter-response from left-wing and pro-EU groups, leading to a more polarized parliament. While the far right's increased representation signals growing disenchantment with the EU, it has also galvanized progressive and centrist forces to bolster their positions.

Ursula von der Leyen's Re-election

With 401 votes in her favor, Ursula von der Leyen was elected as the president of the European Union for a second term. Her re-election is seen as a continuity of leadership for the EU, particularly important during times of crisis such as the war in Ukraine, climate change, and migration issues. Her campaign and subsequent victory were bolstered by support from four political groups, including her own EPP as well as S&D, Renew, and the Greens.

The Best Bets for the EU Elections

For those who want to bet on EU politics, the 2024 European Union elections offer valuable insights. Based on pre-election odds, the best picks were:

Ursula von der Leyen's re-election: Bets on von der Leyen securing another term were rewarding, as she managed to retain her position despite the challenging situation. The odds for her re-election reflected a moderate level of confidence in her campaign. Her eventual victory validated these bets.

Far-right gains: The rise of far-right and Eurosceptic parties, such as Marine Le Pen's RN, offered substantial returns. Pre-election odds for these parties gaining more seats reflected the growing nationalist sentiments across several EU member states. Betting on their increased representation proved to be a lucrative choice.

EPP's majority: While the EPP was expected to retain its position as the largest group, betting on them to actually gain more seats turned out to be successful. Pre-election odds were more favorable for maintaining their size rather than increasing it, so those who bet on an increase saw positive returns.

Losses for Greens and Renew Europe: Betting on the Greens and the liberal Renew Europe groups to lose seats proved to be successful. Both groups saw a reduction in their seats, rewarding those who anticipated this downturn.

If you want to capitalize on the next elections, keep an eye on the latest European election odds at BallotBoxBet.

Current EU Political Landscape and Predictions for the Future

With the results of the 2024 EU elections, new betting opportunities are emerging around potential alliances and deepening divisions. Marine Le Pen's National Rally (RN) and Giorgia Meloni's Brothers of Italy (FdI) are likely to explore strategic alliances. Both leaders share nationalist and Eurosceptic views, making a partnership plausible and a potential high-return betting option.

This unification could strengthen the alt-right's influence in the European Parliament, driving a more consolidated front on issues like immigration and national sovereignty. Betting on the formation of such alliances and their subsequent impact on EU policies could offer substantial returns, particularly if the nationalist bloc manages to secure significant legislative influence.

Still, forming such an alliance comes with its challenges, especially given Le Pen's recent defeat in the French elections. This loss may weaken her negotiating power and complicate efforts to unite the nationalist factions. Bettors should consider these potential obstacles when placing bets.

Deepening Divisions

The increased polarization in the European Parliament underscores the deepening ideological divide between the far-right and progressive factions. This division will manifest in more contentious and protracted legislative processes, with each side pushing hard for its agenda. The need for broad coalitions to pass significant legislation will intensify political negotiations, potentially leading to legislative gridlock on critical issues.

Despite the rise of extremist factions, centrist groups under the leadership of Ursula von der Leyen still view themselves as the anchor against extremism. The European People's Party, along with the Socialists and Democrats and Renew Europe, continue to emphasize their commitment to maintaining stability and pushing for moderate policies.

Impact on International Relations

The new political dynamics in the EU will significantly affect its stance on major international issues, including:

Ukraine: The EU's support for Ukraine amid the ongoing conflict with Russia will face more scrutiny. While mainstream parties continue to back Ukraine, far-right factions may push for a more cautious approach, questioning the extent of financial and military aid provided.

Gaza: The EU's policies toward the Israeli-Palestinian conflict may also see shifts. Progressive factions will advocate for a balanced approach, emphasizing human rights and humanitarian aid. In contrast, far-right groups might prioritize security and stability concerns, aligning more closely with Israel's policies.

Final Thoughts: Betting on Future Elections

The results of the 2024 elections in the EU, UK, and France have reshaped the electoral environment, offering rich insights and opportunities for political betting. Analyzing these outcomes helps to understand the dynamics at play and to forecast future trends.

In the UK, Labour's decisive victory and the Conservatives' significant loss reflected a broad desire for change after years of Tory rule. Bookmakers had anticipated a Labour win but underestimated the scale.

In France, the left-wing’s success and the unexpected alliances between different political factions caught many by surprise. Meanwhile, the EU elections highlighted the rise of far-right parties, challenging the stability of traditional political groups.

Signs to Watch Ahead of Future Elections

To make informed bets, it's crucial to monitor several key indicators:

  • Public opinion polls: Regularly updated polls provide insights into voter sentiments and potential election outcomes. Look for consistent trends rather than isolated spikes.

  • Economic indicators: Economic performance significantly impacts voter behavior. Watch for changes in unemployment rates, inflation, and economic growth.

  • Key political events: Major events such as scandals, policy successes or failures, and leadership changes can drastically alter the political landscape.

  • Media sentiment: Media coverage and editorial stances often reflect and influence public opinion. Tracking media sentiment can offer clues about potential election results.

Future Betting Insights and Strategic Picks on France Politics

For those who want to bet on French politics, the 2024 French parliamentary elections offer valuable insights. Presently, you can bet on the success or failure of coalition negotiations. Furthermore, speculating on potential leadership changes within major political parties could offer substantial gains, especially if you act on credible news or insider knowledge. Lastly, considering the current political instability, betting on the likelihood of another snap election remains a viable and potentially profitable option.

Future Betting Insights and Strategic Picks on UK Politics

Betting on Labour's ability to sustain their current momentum can be a rewarding strategy. Observing how they handle key issues like economic reform and public services will be crucial. Additionally, speculating on the Conservative Party’s leadership contest is another great betting opportunity. Bets on potential candidates and their influence on the party's future direction can offer substantial returns.

Considering the ongoing political instability, betting on the likelihood of a snap election due to potential governance challenges or public dissatisfaction remains viable but quite risky. Keeping an eye on policy developments and public sentiment will help make informed wagers.

Implications for the Upcoming US Elections

The lessons from the 2024 European elections can also be applied to the upcoming US elections. The rise of populist and nationalist sentiments, the importance of economic issues, and the impact of key events are universal trends. In the US, watching for similar indicators such as public opinion polls, economic performance, major political events, and media sentiment will be crucial for making informed bets.

When betting, focus on which of these factors might have the most significant impact on the election outcome. Carefully monitor how these factors will affect swing states. Paying close attention to the changing voter behaviors, local economic conditions, and key campaign events in these crucial states will be essential.

  • Last updated: September 1, 2024